Battling Baldness

Battling Baldness

By Cruz Acevedo

Can Baldness be reversed? Yes, say 60 prominent local men who are in a special control group of 104 men who are testing a new product named “New Generation”. The men in this control group consist of 15 local medical doctors, three dermatologists, and such public an prominent personalities as: Richard “Dick” Cable, News Anchorman/
Comentator, KXTV Channel 10, Jerry Grisham, Talk Show Host, KGNR Radio; Richard Leeson, Production Manager KTXL Channel 40; Robert H. Muttera, Assistant Vice President, First Commercial Bank; Cary Nosler (Captain Carrot) P.M. Magazine Co-Host, Channel 10; Gordon D. Rasmussen, Meteorologist, KXTV Channel 10.

What caused these prominent, respectable credible, and supposedly rational men to publically announce that they are in fact growing hair in previously bald spost? Could it possible be true? Well, being approximately 65 percent bald I had to investigate.

I had first heard of Bob Murphy six to nine months ago when Cary Nosler told me I should contact a local man who was producing a product that could reverse baldness in a large percentage of men with “male pattern baldness”.

Even though I have great respect for Cary’s knowledge, I let this suggestion slide by and did not follow through on it, mostly because I had extensively researched this subject and had concluded, as had the scientific world, that baldness was mostly hereditary and that there was nothing anyone could do about it.

What I had done for myself was to follow a nutritional approach and had succeeded in stopping the further loss of hair. I was elated and happy with this but certainly had no aspiration of growing new hair.

When KXTV’s “P.M. Magazine” had a special on the results of Bob Murphy’s product, and I heard the living testimonials of prominent local men, I knew I had to investigate. I immediately called Bob Murphy and made an appointment to see him. When I met him in his home I found him personable, sincere and with a sense of honesty and integrity I found refreshing.

It appears that Bob saw a Merv Griffin Talk Show where Durk Pearson, a respected scientist, made a statement that Finnish scientists had isolated a very common chemically active detergent that cleans away material that inhibits growth at the root of the hair.

Although not a scientist nor having medical background, Bob very methodically set about researching this claim.

When he approached scientific people to help him develop the product, the majority of these scientists were not interested in something they knew wouldn’t work. The mere fact that there was physical evidence that bald people were growing hair was not good enough for them to accept.

Finally, Bob ran across a scientist in Berkely who was willing to help him produce the formula, but advised Bob that it would never sell unless prominent public people demonstrated (show and tell) that it had worked for them. This of course was why Bob chose to select prominent local men for his control group.

The problem of loss of hair, or baldness, is as old as man himself. Through the ages men have desperately tried countless methods to stop hair loss, grow more hair and prevent complete baldness. Dozens of theories existed, but only in the past few years has the cause become known.

Is it possible that a simple and safe product at a very reasonable price, with a money back guarantee, could return out “locks” of yesterday to us?

I’m going to try Bob Murphy’s “New Generation” Shampoo and cleanser.

I’ve seen living proof that it works. I hope only that I’m in that 70 to 80 percentile that is successfully growing hair

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